These 10 Cool Google Calendar Tricks Make Your Life Easy

How informative and convenient is your day planner? Google Calendar is a great tool for getting organized, scheduling important events and tasks, and so much more – but the calendar doesn’t just benefit you personally. Beethoven didn’t start creating symphonies his earliest wasn’t until he was 40 years old, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole world of music waiting to be written! Google Calendar provides tasks like this in low-down post that might provide inspiration beyond anything else. It’s easy to get behind your computer screen, extending the work week when you have unlimited access 24/7. However, a learning environment that promotes productivity and personal skills is rewarding in of itself! We’d love to see your ‘to read’ list!

Flip the Calendar

With these cool tricks, you can create events in a hassle-free way, update your time management, and manage your time even better. Sunrise and Sunset Calculator can help you figure out quickly whether it’s good time to sit by the fire, go hiking, hit the road or backseat passengers during a drive. Sunrise/Sunset Calendar is an easy to use program that will enable you to calculate when your next sunrise and sunset occurred. Remind you of garden variety calculator only with more bells and whistles. On screen. Need to know exactly what day it is at a glance? No needs for anything else! Try

Create Exact Direct Days from Dates in Google Calendar

Google calendar can convert a date like March 16 to the exact number of days, or the closest number of days in a specific month. If you have your Google calendar set up to display 3 weekdays per week, then 11am will be on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. When developing day ranges for these changes, they are usually based on 0-9 with 0 being Sunday. This means that every Friday and every Tuesday would be both limited to 30 days by this rule. Delivers all nine months and the next set of semiannual editions, are Free Daily Private Mortgage Adviser Limited and not offering advice, made available the latest relook at UK property reports for sale listing all properties for sale in England. Over a million websites round up estate agents, stamp duty valuation fees and other fees. Our search engine takes less time to compute price information which is then displayed as a hot or not feature on relevant property listing pages. This presents your visitors with three leading property

Get to Know what your Google Calendar is Working on

Many Google Calendar features are a mystery, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful. Here are four Google Calendar tricks to help you make time management easier in your day. Know what your day holds by looking at next week. One of the best ways to manage time is Ask a Question, easily order a pizza online with Ashley’s help, and learn more ways to use Google Calendar.

Start the Week on Sunday

Google Calendar is an important part of many people’s lives. I use Google Calendar to keep track of everything. To start new weeks while they’re sleeping, I use the in-built “Set a reminder on Sunday” box. This means that once my alarm bells go off on Tuesday, the week is all started up and it only takes a couple of mouse clicks to get through all the work without any hassle! The true geeks among you will want to choose the “Create a new calendar group” option. This allows you to create multiple groups within a single Goog Calendar, so each weekend your events are in different ones. Which brings me on to….

G/GO Button & Quick Status Bar Notifications!!!:The GTasks Integrated Task System is not going away any time soon, though it looks like if I was desperate enough they would upgrade me to 5 pages (one per week

Avoid Work Distractions and Build Productivity with Airplane Mode

Before starting your day, turn on airplane mode which reduces reception, turns off location services and Wi-Fi. This will allow you to fully concentrate on your task rather than be distracted by emails, text messages or Facebook updates. After you get home, ensure your mobile phone is switched off and put away in the bag or pocket before starting the day. Program your device so that when it senses low battery life, it automatically switches to Airplane Mode. This prevents unnecessary battery drainage, keeps you on track with your project and allows breaks to rejuvenate your mind.

The Humlab research suggests that turning down notifications also helps increase productivity without impacting wellbeing. It also boosts cognitive function by boosting focus and concentration which in

Discover Ways to Post and Share Quickly With Multiple Platforms

Google calendar is a powerful tool for anyone and anything. It has so many functions that it is hard to grasp all of them. One such function is sharing events with friends on various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, text message, or Twitter. There are also many other ways to share google calendars like exporting in .CSV and .PNG formats or creating a Google Calendar for your email account that won’t go away after you unsubscribe from it. The best part is you can quickly set these up within 60 seconds right in your Google Calendar.

Protect Your sensitive Data and Use Encryption. If people might find out who your future child’s babysitter is by seeing where they can go to nurse their baby, or what your mom or dog’s favorite holiday is, then it’s important to encrypt anything you want people to see on the internet but know that most sites don’t offer encryption services for free (Case in point: I

Manage your Time Better with the Drag Drop section of Your Schedule

The “Drag Drop” part of a calendar is where you can create menus of events scheduled before and after the given date. You can drag, drop or highlight an event to re-arrange your schedule around it without having to take the event out or reorder it on the list page. Note: Past events and recent events can only be dragged, not highlighted or moved to another day and at most one past event can be dragged from a period of 3 months. This is another separate Action Button on the list card that allows you to “drag” an event to modify the period the event will count in order for it to show up in My Schedule.

Hit Save and then when it asks for confirmation, hit Apply. That’s about it! You’re done! Sign In

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