How to Use a Google forms Drop Down List

If you’re writing a blog and want to input your contact information, use a drop-down list to get more personal with your blog. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a form that has fields for the different fields of your blog’s about page, so when written via key in QR bar codes, it will pop up on readers’ iphones in seconds!

How to use a Google forms Drop Down List

Google Forms is a great way to gather data from your online audience. If you have a list of questions you want your audience to answer, a Drop Down List is an easy way to collect that information. Here’s how to use a Drop Down List in Google Forms:

1. Open the Google Forms form you want to use the Drop Down List in.

2. Under the “Form Elements” tab, click the “Drop Down List” button.

3. In the “DropDownList settings” area, enter the list name and select the type of dropdown list (Integer, String, Date/Time).

4. Under “Selected values”, enter the values you want to appear in the list and click “OK.”

5. In the “Form Elements” tab, under the “DropDownList” button, click on the empty cell next to it and paste in your list definition code. (If you’re using a code block, copy and paste it into a text editor first.)

6. You’re done! You can now start collecting data from your audience by selecting items from the dropdown list.

A time when you would use a Google Forms Drop Down List

When you are creating a Google Forms form, there are times when you will want to use a drop down list. You can create a drop down list by clicking on the “Links” tab at the top of your form. On this tab, you will see a drop down menu that says “Drop Down Links.”

To create a drop down list, click on the “Create Drop Down Box” link. This will open a dialog box where you can enter the name of your drop down list. You can also select the type of list that you want to create.

To add items to your list, click on the “Add Item” link. This will open a dialog box where you can enter the name of an item and the text that should appear inside it.

You can also add text fields to your form by clicking on the “Add Field” link. This will open a dialog box where you can enter the name of the field and the text that should appear inside it.

How the drop down list displays the submitted information

When you create a Google form, you can choose to display the submitted information using a drop down list. This type of list allows users to select one or more options from a preset list.

When you create a form, the drop down list appears at the top of the form. You can adjust the visibility and formatting of the list by clicking on the arrow next to the heading.

The options for formatting a drop down list appear below the heading. The options include:

-Text Field: Allows you to enter text that will be displayed in the text field below the list.

-Selector Icon: Allows you to specify an icon that will be used to indicate which option is selected in the list.

-Drop Down List Width: Allows you to specify how wide the drop down list should be.

Tips for a better Google forms Drop Down list submission

Google forms can be a great way to collect data, but they can also be difficult to use. This guide will teach you how to make your forms easier to use, and improve the accuracy of your data collection.

1. Use labels for your drop down lists. Labels will help you keep track of which options are being selected, and make it easier to enter data into the form. Use both text and icons for your labels, so that you can easily see which options are being selected.

2. Make sure your form is easy to understand. Ensure that all of the information required to submit the form is included on the first page, and make sure that all of the forms fields are clearly labeled. Use contrast colors for important fields, and list all of the field requirements on the form itself.

3. Place your form in a visible location. Your users will be more likely to fill out your forms if they are able to see them easily. Try using a prominent position on your website, or placing forms in prominent spots on your content pages.

4. Use validation errors to help users correct mistakes before submitting the form. Invalid entries will show users an error message that gives them instructions on how


If you are looking for an easy way to gather feedback from your audience, a Google forms drop down list is the perfect solution! Not only is it easy to set up, but it also allows you to gather feedback from a wide range of users quickly and easily.

Using a Google forms drop down list can be a great way to increase engagement and collect feedback from your audience. By using features like embedded images and user labels, you can make sure that all of your submissions are easily identifiable. Additionally, by designating specific times for feedback submission, you can ensure that your audience is able to provide you with timely input.

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