How to Start Using Google Script Timestamp

So you have this important meeting coming up and need to schedule a time for it. Maybe it’s with your boss, or maybe it’s an important contact that needs to happen ASAP! You know how you email them and ask them when the best time is, but you could also just use Google Script Timestamp. This lets you choose and set a date of when you want the event to occur, as well as give yourself some limited-time warnings before it actually comes around. Learn how easy to start using this powerful tool in this blog post

Google Scripts: Benefits and Uses

Google Scripts are awesome for automating tasks and quickly getting things done. Here are some benefits of using them:

-Ease of use: Google Scripts are easy to use and don’t require any coding experience.

-Quick turnaround: With Google Scripts, you can quickly create a program to do something you need it to do quickly.

-Reusability: Once you learn how to use Google Scripts, you can reuse them multiple times in different applications.

-Extensibility: With Google scripts, you can add your own functionality to the scripts without needing programming knowledge.

Timestamping a Website via G Suite Scripts

If you need to timestamp a website, then there are a few steps that you can follow using Google Scripts. To start, you will want to create a new script file and name it timestamp.js. Once you have created the file, you will need to open it up in your editor of choice and add the following code:

function timestamp() { // Setup the date/time variables const year = new Date().getFullYear(); const month = new Date().getMonth(); const day = new Date().getDay(); // Insert the current date/time here console.log(“Current date: ” + year + “,” + month + “,” + day); }

Next, you will need to create a function called main() within timestamp.js. This function should contain the code that will actually timestamp your website. Within main(), add the following code:

timestamp() { // Grab the current domain name let domain = document.domain; // Setup the G Suite Script environment let app = new GoogleApp(“scripting-123456”); // Call the timestamp function with the domain and app context parameters var distr = app.scriptContext().distribution; let ts

Google URL Shortener

Google URL Shortener is a great way to keep track of what’s happening on the web. By adding a few lines of code to your website, you can automatically generate shortened URLs for all of your pages.

To use Google URL Shortener, first be sure to install the Google Scripts library. You can get it from the Google Scripts website. Once you have the library installed, add the following lines of code to your page:<script type=”text/javascript”>


<script src=””></script>

Next, create a new script called googleurlshortener and paste in the following code:<script>


var urls = document.getElementsByTagName(“a”);

for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {

urls[i].href = “” + encodeURIComponent(urls[i].href);



This will create shortened URLs for all the URLs in the document. To use them, just append ?gos to any

Using Timestamps on a Blog Post

Google Script provides a timestamp feature that can be used on a blog post to provide information about when the post was made. In this post we will show you how to use Google Script’s timestamp feature on a blog post.

Appending Zip Code to Office 365 Outbound Email

If you want to include a timestamp in your office email, you can do so using Google Script. This script will append the current timestamp to the end of every email you send.

To use this script, first install Google Script on your computer. Then open up a new file and enter the following code:

googlescript ‘’

Next, include the Google Script library in your document by including the following line:

<script src=”//”></script>

Finally, add the Google Script timestamp function to your document by including the following line:

window.greeting = function() {

return ‘Hello from ‘ + new Date().toLocaleString();


Save your file and test it out by sending an email using the following code:

Email1 = “Hi everyone, how are you doing today? “; Email2 = “This is Email #2 written on ” + Date().toLocaleString(); echo (“Email 1:” +

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