Hands Down, One Of The Most Important Apps You Can Download

The Life of a college student is not always easy to balance. One event there was organized on the go, and their day has been successfully planned out. There are many other tasks that take time and they have to keep this in mind before scheduling an event with their school enrollment advisor. If you’re always managing life on the go, Google Calendar is one of the most important apps you can download! With Google Calendar you can sync all your calendars, get notified for all of your events and manage them with ease.

All the organization takes a lot from our day and even though we are always trying to make sure everything goes as planned these days, we must think about not only studding at college but also about our health. You don’t have to impress your school teacher for course or professor grades, it is important to keep in mind that you are studying because you want to learn

The Importance of a Good Calendar

Your calendar tells you what you need to know when it’s your turn. Whether you make routine dentist appointments, or have plans in place for every day of the week, use a bullet journal or an app like Trello to keep track of your key reminders and commitments so that they’re never lost. Keep a business every day, every week, and use your calendar.

Applications For Your Bullet Journal For Planning Your HolidaysIncluding Alternatives To Tasks!

The Google Calendar Mobile App

We all know that a calendar app is one of the most important apps you can download, but it seems like Google really understands this principle. The Google Calendar Mobile App makes it easy to set up commitments and provides reminders for what’s coming up next on your schedule. It also has a great interface and can help keep you organized wherever you are. Google Drive: The Go-To Transition Solution. If you’re already on Google’s email, Calendar, Docs suite of products, then it would behoove you to download Google Drive as well. It’s free online storage space and it integrates with Docs and other Google products so sharing files is a breeze.

Picasa: The Photo Organizer You Didn’t Know You Needed. We don’t know about anyone else, but we always have those pictures that are just

iOS  vs.  Google Calendar

If you have an iPhone, you probably use an iOS calendar app. On the other hand, if you have a Droid phone, it is most likely that you use a Google Calendar app. The iOS calendar app is easier to customize than the Google Calendar app and it has many cool features such as “Today At A Glance” which gives users a quick summary of what was scheduled for their day (including how far through their day they are). Some people would say that the Google Calendar is more functional than the iOS App because, with the exception of one event, it can automatically set all planning for you. iOS  and Android  have different yearly calendars which can make November 28th, 2018 different on each app.

Including the Holidays On Your Calendar

Some people may forget to add the date of a holiday on their calendar, but Home Planner is designed to remind you. When you log in, it will ask if you want to add a holiday and the day of observance. If you say yes, the app will show you that day’s date on the calendar. It even allows you to set a custom alarm while filling out the information. Of course, you don’t have to use Home Planner strictly for holidays, just add any event by clicking “add an event.”

Personalizing your Calendars

And for it to be beneficial for productivity, the app should be personalized. Some of the key features that can be customized include color, font, and calendar span. The app should also sync with Google or Outlook so that appointments from email don’t accidentally get missed when being added. There are lots of calendars available these days — but finding one that suits the user is essential


In conclusion, this is one of the most useful apps I have ever downloaded. It helps with productivity, organization, and entertainment all while being convenient

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