Google’s Latest Feature That Shows You How Much Time You Spend On Your Phone

One of the most interesting ways Google is leveraging AI capabilities to make our daily routines healthier is through a new feature on Google Calendar called “Time Insights.” For those unfamiliar, this feature allows people to not only see how much time they spend on their devices every day but also provide tips for making changes to use their devices less and feel less guilt about it.

How to set it up on your iPhone or Android phone

Some people can’t get off their phone. It’s estimated that around 50% of mobile users touch their phones 150 times a day and up to 600 on the weekends. This can be harmful because our phone pulls at our attention, making it hard to focus during certain activities, such as driving. Luckily, there are ways you can police your own screen time.

What is Google Calendar’s Time Insights Feature?

Google has just released a new feature called Time Insights that tracks how much time you spend on your phone. The feature was created to replace the Timeline app, and it works with Google Calendar too. Once it’s launched, your phone will track how much time you spend on different apps, how many notifications you got, and even how often you go back to them. From there, it will help you figure out the best ways to use your phone. All of the data is stored in this online tool that can be accessed through a mobile browser or desktop. You can find more information at google

How to use the features on iOS

To enable the dashboard on your phone, go to settings then select dashboard. Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner and choose Add widget from the drop down list. Choose which dashboards you want displayed then tap Done. To show these to you automatically, change the setting for Automatically include to Enable under Dashboard preferences. Tap that setting name to modify which time increment is displayed.

How to use the features on Android

There are many different features that can help you be aware of how much time you spend on your phone. One option is to change your notification settings: in general, the less notifications you have, the less time you’ll spend on your phone. Another option is to set a screen lock timer by going to Settings -> Personal -> Lock Screen -> and finding Screen Lock Timer. By doing so, every time the timer runs out, your phone will automatically turn off after two seconds as if it were put into sleep mode. We also encourage you to turn on the feature that automatically turns off notifications during sleeping hours. You can find this option by going to Settings -> Sound and Notifications -> Interruptions -> Calls, Messages & More -> Less interruption. To make sure that settings are available for as long as possible, go to Settings -> System -> Apps then tap on any app that appears. Choose Uninstall updates or Uninstall from External Storage. The way you use your phone has a huge impact on the time you spend

Detailed step by step breakdown of how I use it

For example I’m writing this paragraph now just after finishing a segment on The Office and my phone automatically asks for permission to launch the Google Map app to tell me how long it will take to get home from my location. It also alerts me of any traffic issues, alternate routes, and points of interest in the area. All without me opening anything or asking for it. It’s the most useful thing I use all the time.

2. Google Now cards – The most useful and unexpected feature in Google Now by far; this is like a Cardboard version of Facebook, except instead of being shallow bucketfuls of bullshit from your friends it’s barely context-relevant yet very helpful facts about anything you might be doing at any given moment. Who needs Facebook when you’ve got Google Now?

1: YouTube Live Streaming – This makes me elated because

Good practices for making the best of the feature

Google’s latest update automatically tracks how much time you spend on your phone by observing how many times its in use and for how long. Google also breaks down the statistics into managed categories, such as what percentage of the day has been spent reading, watching videos, or surfing the web. This feature is a great way for people with addictive personalities to become more aware of their habits. Google tracks when are phone is used. If a person looks at their Google account after they’re done with their phone, they have full access to their time management results. People can rate themselves via Google based on average ratings (1-5) of usage broken down by web, apps, and calls.

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