Google Calendar Adds RSVP Options To Attend Events Virtually

Uhhhh … well this is a cool update! Google Calendar just added RSVP options for attending events virtually. This means you can mark your calendar and then join the event via a live stream. A really cool function of this would be for some of us who host meetups from their homes where most people have not been involved in the planning process and might not know about it until the day of. You could generate an RSVP for those people and even offer your door code for them to come inside with a welcome sign if desired. Pretty sweet, huh?

What You Need to Know

Along with being accessible via the Google calendar app, you can RSVP to events by using a chatbot. You’ll need to have a Gmail account and be logged into Google Calendar as well. Simply send a chat to the event’s organizer with your response to their event invitation. The conversation might go something like this:

“Hi Jane Doe, I would like to attend the party and will show up on Saturday.”

Months later when the event is scheduled, you can then schedule them onto your personal Google calendar by clicking “RSVP yes.”

How To RSVP Via Google Calendar

With the RSVP option, you can join events on your calendar as “Maybe.” This means that you are interested in attending the event, but have not confirmed with the organizer that you will be present. RSVP options save time for organizers, and help attendees figure out what their commitments are for each day.

Cannot Show Up At This Time

Google has made a recent update to their calendar app that now allows users to RSVP for events from their phone or tablet. You can select “Can’t Make It” or “Maybe” when you have conflicts that cannot be helped. If you select the “Can’t Make It” icon, an email will be auto-filled with the subject being “Cannot Show Up at This Time.”

Create An Event

Another new feature involves making events that one can attend virtually. Before, if one wanted to join a meeting, they had to make it so that everyone was in the same location at the same time. Now, with the new option of RSVPing (which Google calls “attending virtually”), people can now feel like they are a part of an event even when they are physically not there. This is an especially nice feature for school parents who may not be able to stay for every function throughout their child’s schooling career.

Google Calendar also makes day-to-day tasks such as rescheduling and canceling events much easier than before. You are able to reschedule events hassle free in a few clicks of the mouse, and notifications will be sent out accordingly so that those involved automatically know what needs to be done. All of this added functionality has made Google Calendar much more user friendly and efficient which is something we all need when juggling our very already busy lives!

Benefits of RSVPing via Google Calendar

RSVPing to events becomes more convenient and interactive. When you are invited to an event, you would enter their email into your contact list on your phone. You then have the option of RSVPing yes or no right there on the phone.

In addition, the number of people who RSVPed will be shown on the invitation and it will be split up into percentages with different color coding. It also includes a “maybe” button in case someone wants to respond with a maybe response, they can do so by going onto their email account or phone contacts list and find out that they office sent them an invitation and they said maybe as one of their responses to this event.

The RSVP feature is exclusively for Android and iOS devices at this time, but there is a workaround for computer users too-all you need is the calendar app — click on View Events, if you are from googleApps Basic accounts and click Calendar Tools, if you are from googleApps for work and go to Options, Calendar Settings at the top page of Adjust Time Zone Setting’s tab.

That’s been made easy for us Google Calendar addicts because we use it all day everyday! We’re glad to know that RSVPs through

How to Record Time Spent at Google AI Newsroom

Google AI Newsroom’s meetings give attendees the ability to record their time spent at the event using a button on their phone. This could be very useful for getting a sense of how productive an employee is or if they are spending too much time on social media.

Connect With Your Friends & Work Offline on Google HQ App

Google Calendar has had the ability to schedule events for a couple of years now. However, that was about it — there were no features to connect with friends in person at events. Google Calendar has since baked in more functionality, such as the ability for event organizers to create and send messages about their event to all who may be attending. The new RSVP option allows attendees to rsvp “yes, “maybe” or “no” from within google calendar to receive updates on an event while they are browsing the system anonymously.


Google Calendar is a great tool for those looking for a more environmental way of using a calendar. In the past, people would have to print out all their calendars when it was time to use them. It would end up in the trash if the user didn’t like their schedule (and then they might get printed over again and again). Fortunately, now they can look at them on a computer or mobile device, so there’s not need of printing anything!

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