Do Google Slides Make Sense?

Everyone knows PowerPoint has been popular for years, but this article argues that the format is under pressure from Google Slides which is more versatile and brings more functionality to your art board for managing powerpoints. This arguments argues that Microsoft would create better slides with a web based platform as it does a lot of things that PowerPoint doesn’t support without actually being in the office space with all its tools. A UserVoice feature request was labeled “PowerPoint’s (software) death. Yes, I have been requesting a number of features on this page [UserVoicePowerPoint Companion] to work more like the Captivate platform found in Google Slides. This Specification Request would cover this possibility.” In a thing called “Here we go!,” “No mention of productivity tools” is suggested as one way to make Office more appealing to new workers. And, finally, just in

Introducing Google Slides

If you’re like most people, you probably use Slides to share presentations and ideas with your colleagues and friends. In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of using Slides as your primary presentation tool. We’ll also share what you can do if Google Slides is not right for you. How to Keep Your Slides Organized A presentation without organization will drive your audience crazy! Choosing one means you have to make a concerted effort to determine who should see it and when they should see it, and ensure everyone’s passwords and company personal info is up to date. Read more at How to Keep in Touch With Your Clients Like

Pros and Cons of Google Slides

Google slides have become a staple in modern communication, and are used by business professionals and educators alike. While there are definite pros to using Google slides, there are also some cons that should be taken into consideration before making the decision to use them full-time.

Pros of Google Slides:

-Ease of use: Since Google slides is a cloud-based platform, it is very easy to create and share projects with others. Anyone with internet access can create a project, and there is no need for any specialized software or know-how. This makes Google slides perfect for groups or collaborative work.

-Integration with other tools: Google slides can easily be integrated with other tools, such as Microsoft Office and Evernote. This makes it easy to include multimedia content, images, and links into your presentations.

– compatibility: Google slides are compatible with a wide range of devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. This means that you can use them anywhere without having to worry about compatibility issues.

Cons of Google Slides:

-Cost: Creating and using Google slides can be expensive if you are not regularly using the platform. Furthermore, if you want to share your

Tips for Optimizing Your Presentations with Google Slides

Google Slides can make an excellent tool for sharing information, ideas, and updates with colleagues and clients. However, before you start using them in presentations, it’s important to consider a few tips to make sure your slides look their best and create the most effective presentations possible. In this post, we’ll cover five key tips for optimizing your Google Slides presentations.

1. Use Color Well

One of the keys to making your Google Slides look great is to use color well. The colors you select will not only help you avoid looking too bland or unprofessional, but they can also help to ensure that your audience can easily follow the content on your slides. Additionally, be sure to adjust the brightness and contrast of your slides as needed so that everything is visible in all lighting conditions.

2. Use White Space Wisely

Another important factor to consider when designing Google Slides is how you use white space. Too much white space can make a presentation look empty and uninviting; while too little can result in difficult-to-read text and graphics. To find the right balance, experiment with different fonts, font sizes, and types of spacing until you find something that


Google Slides are a great way for educators to share information with their students. They make it easy for educators to create interactive slideshows and allow students to consume information in an asynchronous, distraction-free way. Overall, Google Slides make sense for educators!

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