What is Google Tasks and how does Google plan to migrate Calendar Reminders
If you use Google Calendar reminders, there’s an exciting update coming soon to Google Tasks.
Google is introducing a change that will accommodate supervised data and machine learning to make announcements in Google Assistant and Calendar Reminders. This migration will enable you to convert all your reminders into tasks so that they can be found in Google Tasks. Users will still be able to create tasks in their Calendar, but everything will be shifted to Google Tasks so it’s all located in one place.
Google has introduced new functions, including an “Add to Tasks” button in Gmail, the ability to create tasks in Google Chat and the ability to sort them into lists.
Currently, Cortana has the ability to follow and share updates from a range of contacts who may not be in your social network. By following and syncing, Cortana helps create stories around what’s happening outside of personal posts which are more interesting for users.
There is no given date for when the opt-in notifications will start or the date that the big migration affecting Workspace users will begin.
The Clock Reminders have been relocated to Google Tasks. Share your feedback on this change in the comments section.