What You Need To Know About Google Calendar’s Two New Proposal Settings

When we are asked to set a specific time for proposing, many of us reach for our phones and send an email or text message to invite them out. But of course, no one ever responds! That’s where having time taken in earnest comes into play. This is the only way you can propose in the right moment that your partner will be at their most receptive. Google Calendar makes it much easier to set the perfect proposal moment with its new proposal settings section – Reviews and Rewards, which helps save the couple on set-up costs and everyone the pain of waiting

Google Calendar’s New Proposal Settings

If you’re like many business owners, you use Google Calendar to keep track of deadlines, meetings, and other calendar events. But even if you’re a pro user, you might not know about two new proposal settings in Google Calendar that could save you time and hassle.

The first new setting is called “schedule availability.” When you create a proposal with a due date that’s more than 7 days away, Google Calendar will now also offer to schedule the meeting at the same time as another existing appointment on your calendar. This way, you can avoid having to reschedule the original appointment.

The second new setting is called “request time back.” If someone issues you a proposal for a meeting that’s already on your calendar, you can now request that time be moved back so that you can attend the meeting. Requesting time back is only available when the proposal is for a meeting that’s less than 7 days away.

What is the Google Calendar Team’s response to proposed changes

The Google Calendar team is responding to proposed changes to the settings for two different features of the calendar: “Actions” and “Labels”. Here is a brief overview of these changes and how they might impact you.

For actions, the team is proposing that users be able to select whether or not actions should be sent when people RSVP for an event. Currently, if someone RSVPs for an event, their actions (such as adding a speaker) are automatically sent to everyone who is attending the event. The team is proposing that users have the ability to choose whether or not their actions should be sent when someone RSVPs for an event. If you do not want your actions to be sent when someone RSVPs for an event, you can disable this setting on your account.

For labels, the team is proposing that users could add up to 10 labels per month. Currently, users can add up to 5 labels per day. The team is also proposing that when people create events, they would be able to choose which labels are applied to the event. If you do not want any of your events labeled, you can disable this setting on your account.

Invitations to guests and where they are in Appointment View

Google Calendar has added two new proposals settings to help manage appointments with guests. The first setting, Invitations to guests, lets you specify whether or not guests are automatically invited to events and when they are notified. If you don’t want guests to be notified until an event is scheduled, you can use the second proposal setting, Where they are in Appointment View, to specify where guests are in relation to your event.


If you’re emailing or posting to Google Calendar from a computer, there are two new proposal settings that may be of interest to you. They’re available in the “Settings” menu on the “Calendar” tab, and they’re called “Automatically approve proposals” and “Require invitation for meeting requests.”

The “Automatically approve proposals” setting means that when someone sends you a Google Calendar invite, your calendar will automatically approve it and add it to your upcoming schedule. The “Require invitation for meeting requests” setting means that if someone sends you a Google Calendar invitation, you’ll need to accept it before it’ll show up on your calendar.

If you’re using Google Calendar on your smartphone or tablet, these new proposal settings aren’t currently available to you. However, we can expect to see them added in the future as updates to the app continue rolling out.

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