How To Make Chat Conversations With Google Plus Private

Who doesn’t want to go on a date? But with the new dynamic in online dating, you need to be careful. Online dating is pretty standard these days- something most people use when they’re not seeing someone traditional in person. Most people browse for opportunities on sites such as Ok Cupid, Tinder and Plenty Of Fish before chatting with strangers one-on-one. It’s safe to say that eHarmony will never catch up with the digital age.

How to Make Chat Conversations With Google Plus Private

When chatting with friends on Google Plus, it can be helpful to keep the conversation private. You can do this by selecting the “Private Conversation” option when you start a chat. This will keep the conversation between you and your friend private until you decide to click “Share” and share the conversation with other people.

What Is The Importance Of Privacy In Your Social Media Messages?

There’s a reason why many people choose to keep their conversations on Google Plus private by clicking the “Journal Mode” button in their Plus account settings: Because it matters. Chatting privately on Plus allows you to protect your personal information and keep your conversations confidential, which can be important when discussing sensitive topics with friends or family. According to Google+, Inc, chat messages are stored for up to 7 days, and you have the ability to edit or delete these messages after they’ve been sent. That means if something important occurs during a chat and you need to revisit it later, you can do so without worrying about anyone seeing that conversation. Additionally, using private chat mode will help avoid potential misunderstandings if someone in your chat group posts something that isn’t related to the conversation at hand. Although it might seem like a trivial thing, having privacy in your social media messages can make a big difference over time. So remember to click the “Journal Mode” button whenever you need to create a discreet conversation with friends on Google Plus!

3 Advantages of Having A Public Versus Private Google Plus Chat Conversation

There are a few benefits to having a public versus private Google Plus Chat conversation.

1. It Can Be Funner

When conversations are private, participants might be more inclined to be polite and take care not to hurt each other’s feelings. However, in some cases this might not be the case. Having conversations publicly can make them more fun and less constrained by etiquette.

2. It Can Lead To Better Connections

Public Google Plus Chat conversations can help create stronger connections with people you know because it gives you an opportunity to get to know them better than if the conversation were private. Furthermore, if someone you know is inactive or does not use Google+, you will have an easier time finding out about them if they participate in a public conversation.

3. It Can Be More Useful

Private conversations tend to be used for more personal matters than public discussions. This means that they are less likely to contain information that is useful for other people. By having conversations in public, users are more likely to share valuable information that can help others in their lives.

4 Ways To Tell if Hitting Send on a Public Chat is a Fluke

1. Checking the message history: If you’ve attempted to send a message and then noticed that the Send button disappeared from your chat window, chances are that someone else already sent that message. To check, open your chat window’s message history by clicking on the three dots in the top-right corner of your chat window and selecting “History.” If the offending message has already been sent, it will appear as a green “send” button in your history list. If you don’t see the offending message yet, it will be indicated with a blue “send” button.

2. Checking for new messages: If you’re unsure whether or not someone sent a public chat message before you, you can also try checking for new messages by clicking on the “New Message” icon in your chat window’s top-left corner (it looks like an envelope). If there are any new messages waiting for you, they’ll be listed beneath this icon.

3. Checking your notifications: Google+ also sends notifications to remind you when someone sends or responds to a public chat message that you’re subscribed to. To disable these notifications, click on the three lines in the top-right corner of your chat window and select “Notifications

4 Tips for Making A Public versus Private Chat Irrelevant

1. Make sure you are using the right channels for your discussions. Google Plus is great for connecting with friends, family, and colleagues. But it’s not the best platform for sensitive business or personal conversations. If you need to keep a conversation private, use a messaging app like WhatsApp or Signal instead of Google Plus.

2. Be mindful of who you let in on your chat. If someone you don’t know well starts popping up in your chats, be suspicious. It might be a spammer trying to get your attention. Skip them and block them if necessary.

3. Don’t overshare. When it comes to sharing personal information, think twice before sending a message that could potentially embarrass yourself or someone else. If something feels too personal, hold off until you have a better idea of who the person is and what they might want from you.

4. Limit your chats to specific purposes. Don’t talk about work in your dinner party chat, and don’t discuss personal finances in front of your bank customers. Stick to the topics that are important to you and your conversation partners so everyone can have a good time chatting without feeling embarrassed or judged.


You can make chats with Google Plus private by clicking the three dots on the bottom right of a chat window, selecting Options, and unchecking the public checkbox. This will keep your conversations private until you decide to make them public again.

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