Lesson One: Getting Started With Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook and A New Tip

So there you are, sitting at your computer minding the business and writing a blog post. You’re starting to get into the flow of things when something hilariously frustrating happens right in front of you: Microsoft Outlook crashes. Thankfully, you have backups saved, but what are those? Well, if you remember to save your drafts regularly in different folders on Google Calendar, then you’re golden. Say goodbye to that cluttered inbox!

How to get started

First, open your new email from Google Calendar. Once that’s done, you should see a welcome email from Google informing you about the basics and some key features of the program. Starting at the top, and just to the left on your new Overview tab, there is a link to set up your address. You’ll be given three options: Default Address, Home Address and Work Address. For this Lesson One, choose Home Address as most people don’t have multiple homes/accounts so choosing this will be more helpful.

The benefits of calendars in a school setting

As teacher, different students have schedules that might not be the same, but also have a few things in common like every day starts and ends at a specific time. This is why using calendars for individual students holds insight when planning your class schedule. Let’s examine how these three calendars can work in a school setting.

Classes, meetings and assignments

Every day, students have a giant list of classes, meetings, and assignments that are due. These could be from class, work or even extracurricular activities. They might have to study for an exam or prepare for a presentation at their job. There is just no time to remember everything! Calendar apps have made these tasks less overwhelming. A lot of apps exist on the market today, but some are better than others in particular fields. For example, Google Calendar makes it very easy to organize and share information with your friends and family while Microsoft Outlook makes it easier than ever to manage an academic schedule. Now that you know which app you want to use, all that’s left is learning how to use it! They all work very similarly and come with helpful tutorials and video courses to get you started as quickly as possible. Next time you open your calendar app, take a look at the Scheduling tab. This is where you’ll find most of the apps often organise events by day, week or month. The Calendar tab even allows users to view a specific day’s schedule. Musicians can look at their concert’s list while advertisers can listen to the tone of their product in a Flash ad. Google Calendars

Planning family activities on Outlook calendar i

Outlining the week and setting a personal schedule can lead to over-scheduled lives where family time is often scattered with priorities. Planning out fun activities for your family using an email calendar can lead to a more personal relationship with one another… or at least I hope so. 14 – Correlated Calendar with Recurring Events… Contemplating the Future and Planning Family Activities Like many of you, I find it difficult toplan family activities on Outlook calendar i. Outlining the week and setting a personal schedule can lead to over-scheduled lives where family time is often scattered with priorities. Planning out fun activities for your family using an email calendar can lead to a more personal relationship with one another… or at least I hope so.

Managing social media posts

In the blog’s first lesson, the blogger discusses how to keep track of social media posts using Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook and a new tip. Social media outlets can be like playing a game of Tetris, as more platforms – and more social media management tools – pop up.

In order to check Facebook mentions, the author uses MS Outlook (a general purpose Microsoft office suite) with a Web browser plugin: Twee.io. The actual office suite is Outlook Express but its only for home use and not for business (although it does have modules for students’ teachers).

The blogger uses Calao Social which builds

Sending updates to teachers with email templates

Generally, if you are scheduling a meeting or event with other teachers, students, and/or administrators, it’s best to send them the update in an email. Teaching Tip: Send a template for your meetings and events that simply list all of the participants (student names, teachers name, administrator name) with a reminder therefor how long they’ll be in the event before they should leave. Systems

Teaching Tip: In order to schedule meetings easily, download a program from the internet that allows you to send and schedule emails with pre-formatted lines of text. Kontact, Microsoft Outlook, and Thunderbird all allow you to do this.

9 Teaching Tip: Email! is a great tool for sending and updating student progress conditions on the move. Any updates can be changed on the fly right in the feedback form. After an update has been sent out, copies

Organizing fundraiser giving certificates

When planning a fundraiser you need to think about the different types of certificates that make up your event. There are business certificates, full-room certificates that are good for decoration, dateless certificates that aren’t valid until the date indicated on them, and giving certificates. Giving certificates should be numbered so they can be collected by participants after their participation in your event has been validated. There are also fundraiser certificates that tell participants what is taxable and what isn’t. These will either be numbered or say “thank-you funds.”

Accounting and bookkeeping. Individuals planning a fundraising event must also consider accounting and bookkeeping for the event, including how much to raise, how much money was raised, which funders were used for expenses, and how much was left over once expenses have been paid. Organizations that have a trained staff can handle this process; individuals who don’t


Google Calendar is an entirely free calendar and Microsoft Outlook lets you organize, store, share and plan your activities with a group of people. While these two productivity websites are on the expensive side and each offer a unique fee option or subscription, they are still great options for your personal needs. Get notified by e-mail when a new article is published (no spam, of course)

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